We tap and collect from the finest maple trees in the land! Located in the heart of northern Wisconsin, our trees produce sweet and savory syrup for all your breakfast (brunch, lunch, dinner, midnight snack, grilling and cocktail) needs. Our sugar shack is a state inspected facility, registered with the FDA.
Hidden deep in the middle of nowhere on a dead-end road, we make magic happen and bottle it up for you to enjoy. We're so glad you chose us to be your Maple experts! We love what we do, and we love sharing it with you. From our family to yours, thank you!

The Boss
Tom grew up around hardworking people who turned the natural resources of the north woods into means of enjoyment and survival. It is no surprise that he took this deeply rooted passion for the outdoors and committed his entire life to enjoying much of what it has to offer and finding ways to earn a living in our northwoods environment.
Tom's entrepreneurial spirit launched his maple sugaring hobby into a full throttle maple empire with over 6,000 trees tapped last year and a goal of doubling that.
Tom enjoys hunting so much that he spends several weeks out west each Fall. He recently hunted in England, and has plans to visit Alaska, Africa and Finland in the coming years.
FUN FACT: Tom broke his leg when he was 9 years old, but no one believed him at first, because he’d been known to ‘cry wolf.’

The Other Boss
Ma is the driving force behind our everyday operation. Working hard from dawn until dark, and sometimes even in the middle of the night to ensure everything is running properly, she puts more hours into Maple Syrup than she does playing board games (and that's a lot. Really... A LOT!)
Roxy enjoys reading. Several years ago, she put down her beloved novels and started studying Maple Syrup manuals.
FUN FACT: Can you guess Ma's guilty pleasure? ...Yep, games! Buying them, getting them for Christmas, and playing them at every family get-togethers (this family gets together all the time) might explain why she has 2 full closets, multiple shelves and probably a stray basket -or 6- spilling with games! Every. Game.

Expert Sap Hauler & Firewood Extraordinaire
Last season, John hauled and pumped over 100,000 gallons of sap. Yeah, you read that right. And he didn't stop there! He's also in charge of all the firewood, works on the roads so the crew can get to the woods, entertains the grandkids when needed, taste-tests our products, fixes broken things, finds lost things... you name it, he probably does it.
John enjoys Maple Cream ON EVERYTHING! As a matter of fact, we probably never would have started making our mouth-watering Maple Cream if it wasn't for him. Everyone yell, "Thanks John!"
FUN FACT: For lunch, John took an egg salad sandwich to work every day for 43 years (and 9 days, to be exact.) He hasn't eaten one since he retired in 2012.

Marketing & Media Specialist
The boss man's better half, and voice behind our online presence, this maple mama is seldom seen without kiddos in tow.
Tatum enjoys exploring the Boundary Waters Wilderness, writing stories for children, and finding new ways to incorporate Maple Syrup into everyday recipes.
FUN FACT: Tatum was hunting elk at 6 months pregnant, and mule deer at 7 months.

(...because "minions" is apparently a term they don't appreciate)
"Tap those trees. Work on wire ties. Help over here. Go get me that."
Our friends and family are good at taking orders. On the other hand, they're around just as much as we are, so they know exactly what they're doing.
From working in the woods, helping cook sap into the wee hours of the night, making food to feed the troops, and more, we are fortunate and grateful to have so many volunteers to help grow our ever-expanding maple empire!

Master Cooker
Snowplow man by day, self-proclaimed "M.C." (master cooker) by night. Even though he burned the pan once (er, twice?) we're still grateful for his commitment. As Tom's best friend, we can count on him to help whenever we need it. It's a good thing sap season doesn't overlap bear hunting though, or we'd get bumped from his priority list!
Zach enjoys bear hunting. A lot. Every chance he gets.
FUN FACT: Sherman is literally the easiest person to spot in a crowd. Match his fiery red hair looming a foot above the rest with the dirtiest white cut-off shirt imaginable, and you'll find him every time.

Sappers in Training
Whether tagging along in the maple woods or losing a tooth at the sugar shack, (don't worry, it didn't fall into the syrup) our next generation sap boss has been in training for 4 seasons now, and his sister made her debut smack dab in the middle of sap season 2020. Hope she likes pancakes, because we'll be celebrating her birthday at the sugar shack every year!

Maple Mascot
Although she’s named after a different type of tree, this pup is truly dedicated to the maple industry. She works hard to ensure our maple woods are squirrel free, our trails are packed down, and we’re warned when a visitor (usually someone coming to help) is approaching. She puts on miles and spends many hours accompanying the crew throughout sap season, so she was rightly dubbed our Maple Mascot. Being the color of syrup, she was born for the job!
Cedar is an AKC Fox Red Lab. She recently had a litter of puppies that will be ready for forever homes in April. If you are interested in adopting your very own maple mascot, please call Tatum: 715-905-1246
and like us on Facebook @ Ritchie Road Labradors.
We are open for visitors during sap season. Dates vary each year. Please watch our social media and contact us to set up a tour or schedule a pickup.
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